


We believe that reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ is the responsibility of every Christian. Yet many Christian people become consumed with their own lives and dreams and allow the global need for evangelism to fade out of their scope of priorities.

Our church believes in worldwide missions and we make it a priority to make a difference. We would love for you to join with us in sharing our burden for spreading the love of Christ with a lost and needy world.

Missionary of the Week

Living Word FM

The vision to start this ministry has been a reality now for over two decades and through the dedication of our volunteer staff we have earnestly worked hard to provide a source of encouragement to the saved and means of salvation to the lost. We are excited about the role we are playing in the Great Commission. God has ministered greatly to countless listeners through the gospel music, Bible preaching and Spirit filled teaching we have been privileged to offer these many years.

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Jail Ministry

Grace Baptist Church regularly ministers to inmates at the Otsego County Jail. Providing worshipful music and Biblical counsel has been a great source of encouragement to many of these incarcerated individuals who are seeking positive change in their lives.

Nursing Home Ministry

Grace Baptist has the privilege of serving the elderly in our community through several scheduled services at local nursing homes facilities.

Encouraging these dear people through the truth of God's Word and hopeful songs about our Savior is a source of joy not only for the residents, but for each one who ministers to them.

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